Limoges : museum, walks and porcelaine


What to do in Limoges ? A lot of things ! I loved my weekend in this charming city. Between museum, monuments, walks and shopping, there are a lot of things to do ! Here is my hunble list of activites done in Limoges.

Museums and monuments

Musée des Beaux-Arts et its gardens : a must visit ! You can find artwork from all eras and styles. The garden is very original, made on different levels and with different atmosphere, it has a nice view on the Vienne. I took a few pictures in the museum, have fun fining them !

un must à faire ! On y retrouve des œuvres de toutes les époques et tous les styles. Le jardin est très original, construit sur plusieurs niveaux et avec des ambiances différentes il a une belle vue sur la Vienne.  J'ai pris quelques clichés de pièces dans le musée qui m'ont marqué, amusez à les retrouver !

Cathédrale de Saint-Etiennes de Limoges : just nex the museum is this magnificent Cathedral. I think that we have all had our dosis of churches and cathedrals in our lives, it is at a point where we feel that they all look alike. I went in with this idea in m head but I was very surprised by the stained glass and the architectural lines !



Le pont Saint-Etienne : this ancient bridge for pedestrians is in the way of the Saint-Jacques de Compostelle pilgrimage. Situated near the cathedral, it is a charming place bordered by weeping willows that bring us in the past.

Le musée National Adrien Dubouché : Limoges rime with porcelaine and cermamics, impossible to miss the museum dedicated to this subtil art. We can see some artwork from here and there finishing with modern interpretations. I liked it a lot and learned a lot ! Here are a few pieces that you can have fun finding !


Le musée et la boutique du musée Bernardaud : a mythical porcelaine brand  and one of my first things I did in the city. Unfortunately I could not visit the museum but at least I bought some porcelaine. For your information, there is the official boutique and the factory's boutique. The factory's boutique is cheaper as there are only products with small defects but that made me happy !

what I bought : 

boutiques :

La mairie de Limoges : the town hall is on a well layed out plaza with a beautiful central fountain. Fountain that incoroporates dishes from the city ! The typical trees from the region (or the city ?) remind me a lot of the whomping Willow from Harry Potter (little geeky moment).

Walks and shopping : 

the city centre is full of little suprises, little streets, old houses, nice vintage/ concept stores. Up to you to get lost and find small treasure !

Tom&Lulu, 26 rue Adrien Dubouché

Tom&Lulu, 26 rue Adrien Dubouché

Cafés Errel, 13 rue Adrien Dubouché

La cour du Temple

Place de la Motte

Rue de la vieille poste

Les Halles

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